vineri, 17 octombrie 2008

Macro classes are great!

Buuun sa vedem cum ne explica dragul nostru profesor de macroeconomie situatia in Zimbabwe (apropo daca nu stiti care e situatia in Zimbabwe, inflatia in februarie 2008 era de 100,000%) :
"Zimbabwe is a country which is run by someone whose completely crazy! He definitely did not pass ECN 201" (clasa noastra de macro).
"So, what does he do to stop recession? He just prints more and more money. This crazy guy is increasing the money supply like crazy! every month this crazy guy injects more money in this economy."
" so what should I do if I would be paid with this crappy Zimbabwe money? I would not accept them. Than if I go to cut my hair I will not pay with money I will give the hairdresser a chicken and 10 eggs for the haircut."
" Money in Zimbabwe is less than an ice-cream. The ice-cream in your hand looses its value in time because it melts if you just hold it. Zimbabwe money depreciates even faster than the ice-cream."

Obsesia pe care o are pentru the crazy guy in Zimbabwe reuseste sa egaleze obsesia lui pentru the evil empire Microsoft. "They take a lot of money from you because they are just evil!" Dupa ore intregi de indoctrinare anti- Microsoft trebuie sa fac o mica reclama:
In loc sa cumparati Microsoft Office pe multi bani degeaba, download de pe net Open Office care e free source. Arata aproape la fel ca si Microsoft Office are si ceva gen excel si powerpoint si access si e gratis! Aveti totusi grija cum le salvati pentru ca nu multe computere pot sa le citeasca (in caz ca le puneti pe un USB stick) avand in vedere ca nu multi folosesc Open office.

Un coleg a intrebat odata daca se poate manipula the market?
Proful : Of course you cannot manipulate the market, if this would have been the case I would not be here, teaching you Macro, I would be on my island playing computer games, reading books and listening to music on my Ipod!
A si asta vine de la un profesor care are pe pagina lui personala unde ne da assignments si hinturi pentru ore o sectiune care se numeste : What would I take on a deserted island? What are my favourite stationary objects? What are my running scores?

Si ca sa termin cum se cuvine postul despre macro classes, dupa jumatate de semestru de teorii si modele si grafuri prietenul nostru Alex ajunge la urmatoarea concluzie:
" Deci... practic... noi saracim...." :) sau :((

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