luni, 16 februarie 2009

Google Proves Humanity Is Sick and Sad, Yet Absolutely Hilarious

I smell like poop (2.890.000 de cautari) - No comment.

I smell, therefore I am (10.100.000) - Un Descartes al simturilor!

Romania is in which country (89.000.000 de cautari) - Romania este, evident, in Imperiul Roman!

Urasc 1. Romania; 2. Scoala; 3. Barbatii. Makes sense!

Why do men have nipples (456.000 de cautari) - Sincer, mi-am pus si eu aceasta intrebare, care a ramas, to this day, fara raspuns!

And more:
• 3,290,000: Who do I have to be to make you sleep with me. (Robert Hoffman, Adam Brody sau Pharell - ei bine?)
• 841,000: I have a large cat in my pants. (Lenebarbie, poate ma ajuti sa o descifrez pe asta!)
• 3,300,000: I have a large uterus. (Show-off!)
• 112,000: I have a lovely bunch of coconuts
• 256,000,000: I want to die. (Flavia approves this message)
• 3,160,000: Why do I fart so much.
• 528,000: Why do indians smell. (pentru ca au nasuri, FA!)
• 680,000: Why do I have green poop.
• 883,000,000: Why do I have no friends. (seriously?)
• 7,570,000: Why do I have diarrhea.
• 4,170,000: Why do I have so much discharge.
• 7,120,000: Why do I have to pee so much.
• 230,000,000: Why do I have gas or so much gas.
• 6,000,000: Why men don't call.
• 8,380,000: Why men lie.
• 11,000,000: Why women have affairs.
• 36,500,000: Why women lie.
• 94,200,000: Why Obama should be president.
• 19,100,000: Why Obama should not be president.
• 42,300: Why Luke Skywalker is an idiot.
• 1,610,000: I would like to buy a hamburger.
• 442,000: I hate Indiana Jones 4.
• 4,980,000: I want a new drug.
• 114,000,000: I want a wife (vei regreta asta mai tarziu!)
783,000: I have one testicle.
• 12,400,000: I have three breasts.
320,000: I have three testicles.
• 1,580,000: I have three girlfriends.
• 610,000: I have four sides, all opposite sides are parallel, I have no right angles. What am I. (n.a. Un idiot!)
• 2,730,000: Sleep is for sissies.
• 2,890,000: I smeel like poop.
• 338,000: I have a big bag of crabs here.
1,060,000: Sex is for making babies and revenge.


4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Da, trist...totusi am am am ras :D

Unknown spunea...

Ai ceva plugin instalat care iti face autocomplete cu search-urile?

Anonim spunea...

acest post este dovada vie ca nu doar tineretul roman sufera de dileme suprarealiste...
eu o sa scriu o carte si o sa ma umplu de bani! :D

Flavia spunea...

Vasi -nu e nevoie de plugins.daca intri pe site-ul principal google apar rezultate-ca la youtube.

Lenebarbie -dimpotriva,cititorii nostri fideli sunt niste adevarati in comparatie cu google-uitorii internationali

Alice- I know, rasu-plansu!.